
Sam has a long track record of devising and delivering music education strategies for schools, councils and organisations, training teachers and writing education packs.  He is currently Music Education Consultant to Calderdale Music Service.

He spent 7 years working as Community Music Co-ordinator for a large Secondary School with Specialist Arts Status and took a lead on their work with Partner Primary Schools, transition and the wider community.

Taking a keen interest in Music Education, Sam sits on the Advisory Board to the East Riding of Yorkshire and Calderdale Music Education Hubs and has spoken on panels at Musicians Union events on their implication and delivery. 

Sam has also delivered training to teachers in Primary and Secondary Schools.

“I am writing to thank you for an excellent INSET day last week.  All of the staff were ‘buzzing’ afterwards and couldn’t wait to try out the things they had learned.  One of the teaching assistants used the ‘pass the shoe’ idea to give out the small whiteboards and pens for phonics and we now go back to class after assembly, singing ‘Let’s Take a Walk’.

We all learned a great deal about pulse, rhythm and pitch (particularly the difference between pulse and rhythm!) and we will be developing the children’s ability to record compositions in a much more structured way than before.

Apart from anything else, the fun we had and the way in which you encouraged all of us to take part and co-operate was excellent for team building.  I would be very happy to recommend you to any of my colleagues.  We had excellent value for money on that day.  Thank you and good luck with your future career.” Primary School Headteacher

Sam contributed to the Musical Bridges project, offering his experience and expertise in Music as a transition tool.

Sam is also a Board Member and Trustee of Sound Sense, the association of Community Musicians.  He is currently Vice Chairman of the Board.