
Sam has received commissions from the BBC, the Arts Council, Prison Me No Way and Music for Youth to write songs.  His songs have been performed at the Royal Albert Hall and Symphony Hall and have appeared on national TV and Radio as well as receiving extensive press coverage.

Sam specialises in writing songs for and with children.  He has been commissioned by Leeds Lieder + Festival to run their songwriting project for the last 3 festivals.  He has also written songs with children as part of the Creative Partnerships scheme.  

Sam also composed the music to the 2013 Smooth Faced Gentlemen production of Titus Andronicus which was performed at the Buxton Fringe Festival and the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

“Sam is a man of many musical talents. He created unique, euphoric, atmospheric pieces that accompanied our play perfectly and with goosebumpingly stunning results. In a short time, packed with fun, he turned with ease a cast of actors into a confident choir! I thoroughly hope to get him on board again for our next project” Ashlea Kaye, Artistic Director, Smooth Faced Gentlemen